
About Ladybugs

Ladybugs are also known as lady beetles. These insects are considered important by many because they feed on plant eating pests such as mites, aphids, and mealybugs. Even though most species of ladybugs are beneficial in this regard, a few species are destructive and feed on plants, which causes damage to gardens and landscapes if not controlled. During the winter they will hibernate in cracks and crevices of rocks as well as in structural voids of buildings. The eggs of ladybugs can be identified by their yellow oval shape and usually the eggs will be in clusters of around 20 on the underside of leaves. As the weather starts to get colder they can typically be spotted on the outside of walls being warmed by the sun on the south and southwest sides of buildings.

Ladybug Prevention

Ladybugs aren’t usually a nuisance until they invade your home. Some effective measures that can be taken to avoid this are to do the following:
- Seal all cracks around the home. This includes around windows, door frames, siding, electrical and piping runs through walls, and other openings.
- Damaged screens should be replaced as this is an easy access point.
- Wash your windows and doors. Ladybugs tend to return to the same location year after year due to pheremones that are left behind by previous generations. Make sure to use hot water and soap to completely remove the scent.

Once an infestation has occurred, a pest control professional should be notified to assess and put together a plan of attack for remediation.

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